Thursday, November 11, 2021

100 years back !!

 100 yeas back (12.11.1921)



WashingtonD. C.. Nov. 12.—While thousands were paying their tribute to the unknown American at Arlington
today almost as many more were fighting hopelessly to make their way to the amphitheater thru the worst traffic jam the national capital has seen in many years. The tie-up which reached its greatest density on Highway bridge, across the Potomac, compelled cabinet members
and major generals to go part of the way on foot and almost prevented President Harding from reaching the amphitheater in time to take part in
the two minutes of silent tribute. Twice before It reached the bridge, the president’s limousine had to mount the curb and circle thru the grass plots of Potomac park and the needle’s eye of the bridge itself was threaded only by the assistance of a flying squadron of special policemen. Police officials blamed the army which had nominal charge of the armistice day program and the army in turn blamed the police. As a result of the argument, not only many of the general public but some high officials and foreign dignitaries missed the amphitheater services entirely and sat In their automobiles for hours, unable to proceed or turn back…..

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